24 May 2008

it takes a village

The following is an open letter to all you folks who take time to visit my blog:

Most revered readers,

My sincere apologies to all y'alls for not writing very much in the last month. I know many of you spend almost 10-15 seconds a week checking this site out to see if I have spewed forth any new ridiculousness and/or finally made good on that promise to post that very real and completely authentic treasure map to the lost city of El Dorado.

Well, I haven't.

Sorry, but I am currently a little busy. If you would like to see what occupies most of my waking hours between 9-5pm six days a week, you may take a look by visiting this website: ICED2008.org

If you want to see what currently gets most of my attention from the hours of 4-7pm of many weekdays feel free to visit: here or here.

Lastly, if you still wonder why I don't seem to have enough time to sit down and contribute to the world wide blogosphere, its probably because I am trying to put a little more time/energy into this aspect of my life.

Lest you get overly excited for the forthcoming day when the aforementioned activities cease to take up much of my time, don't forget my favorite June pastime and this little resource that I hope to use much more often when work/school cools off, and the weather heats up.

So my loyal readers, although I hate to burst your blog-reading bubble, but you must realize that the summertime does not produce optimum conditions for me sitting at a computer with the sole purpose of dumping out my most obscure thoughts and travelogues. However, I promise not to be so stingy with my future postings as I was in the month of May.

Best regards,
