08 September 2009

sad day

Lets play a game. Its called "What's wrong with this picture?"

Let me point out some key elements:
  • Brian is sitting next to his car.
  • Brian is sad.
  • Brian's car has no CA license plates.
  • The car is filthy because it rains dust where he lives, for it is a desert filled with bad drivers that Brian constantly bad mouths and labels per their distinctive license plate of which he now shares a common trait.
Yeah. Synthesize all those observations and you can determine their relationship/connection with each other.

Alas, there is a silver lining to this tragic event.



Marissa said...

Nice B. Walker! Nice! Get a nifty Utah license to go along with it?

robinly said...

Many of us have experienced the sadness in taking off plates of our homeland state and replacing them with plates of the Utah land. Elise went through a similar hardship only months ago- took off the California plates and put on the Utah ones, I think she cried herself to sleep for a week. I dealt with it almost a year ago. It hurts...but I know that with the support of your friends you can recover. We're here if you need to talk about it.

Stephen Anderson said...

I'm kinda surprised that someone from California would accuse Utah of raining dust...

Have you been to LA? Right now it's raining ash.

Oh also I just barely got some new Washington plates, ha ha.

Katie said...

I feel your pain Brian. I had that sad day a few months ago. I felt like I was betraying good ol' Washington.

They call me Lou said...

I don't actually have a car to put license plates on. Also, I have never even been to California. But...I believe in mourning with those that mourn, so I feel for you my friend. P.S. we should probably chat at some point.

Ian said...

If you're really that worried about what state your license plate has on it, you have some issues. There are bigger fish in the world to fry my friend, like what you're going to eat for lunch today.

bryan said...

what you really ought to be sad about is that on the back of your car it says "Geo Prism" and not Ford Mustang, or just about anything else, for that matter.

Receli said...

So Sad!!

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Hee hee - B. Walker you have many amusing friends. Man, I enjoy reading comments on your blog - almost as enjoyable as reading the original post. I feel for you man. No one who wasn't a native Idahoan such as myself could properly emphathize with my feelings of ecstasy upon seeing Idaho plates back on my vehicle . . . ah, bliss. And in all likelihood, there will never again be any other state's plates seen on a David/Rachael Allred vehicle. Life is beautiful . . .