15 November 2008

living life sometimes can end it faster

The festive holiday season will soon be upon us. In addition to comforting fires, fellowship of friends and family, my world is always warmly induced with a holiday treat that contradicts many of my deepest principles: eggnog.

I don't know why I like it so much. Then again, just take a look at some of its prominent ingredients:
  • 22 g of sugar
  • 9 g of fat
  • 10& DV of calcium
Good gravy! (hmmmm...gravy) Why does my body endure, nay enjoy such an attack on its own arteries?! Of course, I have no plausible explanation. I can't even chalk it up to ancient family tradition. My parents dont ever take the drink, and my sisters dont foster near the attraction to the stuff as I do.

Just like a drug addict, I distinctly remember my first experience with eggnog. I was a college freshman living in the BYU dorms. By most accounts, times were good. I ate well, I slept well, and I carried a fashionable 3.2 GPA. We were in the midst of semester finals and were looking to find ways to burn the meal plan account balance that easily accumulated during the last weeks of a busy semester. A group of my chums and I walked down to the Old Creamery looking to spend our fortune, and there it was, in all its on-sale glory.

About 22 hours after I finished the half-gallon carton, I finally fell asleep and was greeted by a host of sugar-induced dreams of holiday wonder and joy. 22 hours later, I woke up to a new world; a world with eggnog. In my freshman ignorance however, I could not concieve that after the New Years sale finished off 3 weeks later, that the world would go devoid of this potent liquid for another 11 months.

Since then my stomach has enjoyed its yearly reunions with the substance know curtly as the "Nog" and delights in its consumption contrary to conventional dietary wisdom. So to all you fellow holiday helpers with high metabolism, I declare: "Bottom's Up"


Stephen Anderson said...


I Abhor this abomination that you and all other goober-faces refer to in condemning bliss as "eggnog."

I tell you, it can only be a product of that fiery demon that fell from the heavens in self-conceited rage.

Heed my words...

The Hemenway's said...

We LOVE Eggnog!!!! Greg just the other day said lets buy some, I said, no lets let Halloween pass first.... we are right with you on this one...bottoms up or bottoms out whatever you want to say!

Ravid said...

I enjoy egg nog, but Dave does not. I had a happy thought for you regarding the assault on the arteries though - it is only available for a limited time during the year! Just imagine what those of us who enjoy a little nog would be like if it were available year-round. Obese like the rest of the U.S. :-)

Bethany said...

I was pleased to go to the Broderick household last Christmas, where Eggnog is not devoured like it is in the Bogardus home. Adam's mom bought me a half-gallon of Eggnog and I had no competition to drink it (his dad had a little). It was heaven on earth.

Katie said...

Oh, the blessed eggnog! My family keeps a constant supply in the fridge throughout the holidays. Drink it while you can. January will soon be upon us!