24 October 2009

Operation: Classroom Decor

Yesterday the academic director of my school handed me a check for 200 bones...cash money.

However, there was a catch. Here is how the conversation went down.

P: "Here is a check for 200$"

W: "Whoa, thanks! I knew all those times I told the boys to not waste paper would eventually catch up to me with good karma."

P: "Actually, there is a catch."

W: ????? <--- (sully expression of anticipated disbelief)

P: "The CEO wants you to spruce up your classroom with more decor. He wants your room to reflect your personality more."

W: What if my personality is boring and dull?"
(I am the history teacher for crying out loud. Isn't that one of the job requirements?)

P: "Sorry. Sometimes you have to do things at your job that are hard or impossible. I am sure you will manage. Just remember to save your receipts."

W: "What if one of my decorations is a shelf full of history documentary dvds?"

P: -smiles- "I'll think about it. Get a few more things besides that though."

So, I need suggestions on what to decorate my history class with that reflect my personality. I already have put together a small list:
  1. American flag that is roughly the size of a small soccer field. (Every history class needs one of those)
  2. This picture.
So that still leaves me with about 167$. What else should I get. My classroom is only about 20'x22' so a merry go round is out. That's about all I got.


Whitney Hardie said...

You should really get some sweet posters of the outdoors. That might even inspire your kids.

Especially if (like me) they study history in a soul crushing windowless room.

And get a plant for goodness sakes. Nothing flowery, just something to refresh the oxygen levels.

P.S. A whole serious of propaganda posters form WWII would be AWESOME!

Dan Johnston said...

hit up that flag store down university for some historic documents or some colonial era flags. that at least goes with the curriculum. swords are also cool. or if you can manage a replica black powder rifle. squanto's skull. a couch. you know, stuff

Holly-O said...

a plush rug, some pillows, and a blanket = nap corner

and you should probably have an in n out something or other to show your california roots

Katie said...

To echo Whitney: plant(s) and outdoor pictures are a must (I loved classrooms with just a few plants in high school). To make it all history-like, make them historic outdoor pictures (Hillary on Everest, Panama Canal, Navajo rock art/ruins, etc. places that you talk about in class).

Two pictures/posters I really like are the Rosie the Riveter one and the one of the guy in front of the tank at Tienamen square. Thought invoking and powerful.

Whatever you do don't put a wall to wall, ceiling to floor poster of Mel Gibson's head from "The Patriot." My American Gov. teacher did that. Freaky.

Bethany said...

I hope that you already have your California license plates up.

bryan said...

I would purchase a beto's burrito, attach it somehow to the wall, and see how long it stays there.