27 October 2008

prop 8 video updates

Good news! My absentee ballot came in the mail last week and I am about to send it off.

preservingmarriage.org has recently posted some very well done video spots featuring CA young adults expressing their viewpoints of Prop 8. This site is an official website of the LDS Church and shows the quality of media that can be produced in aims of expressing the viewpoints of the church and its membership.

Here is a cool video posted by a fellow from my hometown catching some candid viewpoints of Prop 8 supporters in SoCal.

May I point out the particularly handsome chap 7:35-8:30 on this video. Not only is he responsible for half of my chromosomes, but he is a great example of the force for good we can be if we are involved. (and if we get up early before rush-hour traffic)

PS: Please also take notice at the subtle shot at at my marital status cleverly slipped in at 7:51. :) I won't take offense, but only because Pop managed to get posted on YouTube before I did. (a great moment in my life I might add)

1 comment:

The Hemenway's said...

awesome to see your dad, tell them we are proud. He is banking on some children from all of you...I hope ca. and az. pass the propisitions(if i spelled that right) well we shall see how life turns out, looks like it is headed down a spiral tunnell, good things we have our lovely homes for refuge.