09 October 2008

Waxing politcal

Ahhh. The great month of November is almost upon us. November is annually filled with many days of importance (e.g. the best holiday ever created by man and the only holiday ever created by me). This year however, November becomes even more power packed with the upcoming General Election. Here is some discombobulated commentary on the matter:

  • Thought #1: Democracy rules! (actually not as trite a statement as you may have first thought)
  • Thought 2: Im disappointed that John McCain's campaign has degenerated into a mud sling. The best effects of general elections are generated by multiple open-minded and forward thinking individuals trying to put their resources into telling us why we should vote for them and their policies/viewpoints. Not by shallow (and in many cases deeply skewed) character attack advertisements shouting to why NOT vote for the other. Let me be frank. I admire Sen. McCain's robust past history of public service. But at this point, he needs to start spitting out some plausible ideas to address the key issues of the United States and not spitting on Sen. Obama's reputation. Both of the men have their own vices. Lets look past their faults for the answers they can help create and implement.
  • Thought 3: I'm also disappointed at Tom Brokaw's less-than-best moderation of Tuesday's debate. C'mon Tom Brokaw..."Yes, or No is Russia the Evil Empire?" What a very foolish and very loaded question (which did NOT come per the supposed "town hall format" I might add) to pose to the two candidates about a very serious situation that should be handled with care.
  • Thought 4: Have you registered to vote yet? If yes: Way to go! If no: Repent...now.
  • Thought 5: No, seriously. If you haven't registered yet, go to your state website and print out a form ASAP. Registering to vote is easy and fast in our modern world. If you are blessed to be a Californian, but cursed to living in another state register to vote absentee today. This election is absolutely critical.
  • Thought 6: YES on Prop 8. If you don't know about this one you should. I will post soon specifically about this one. It has weight not only to CA residents but to the rest of the nation as well.
  • Thought 7: Four state judges should NEVER be able to negate what 61% (or 4 Million) of the voting population in CA voted for. Need I remind them of Thought #1? For more on the ruling see the source.
  • Thought 8: Here is what gets me wondering. Both POTUS candidates are suggesting some very important measures to take in terms of national and foreign policy. I am wondering how much they really will be able to accomplish with such a partisan congress. Will the congressional makeup (or the ability to incite more bi-partisan cooperation) change with this election in a way that will help passing these important measures? Lets hope for the best.

Note: Sorry for all the hyperlinks if that bothers you. My nature (and academic training) tends to regular sourcing and practical application of knowledge. Be it known that many of the referenced sources in this post are not entirely clean of bias, but lets not forget the adage, "Just because I am biased, doesn't mean I am wrong."

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